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Welcome to EIS' Secure Online Service Center

Click Continue to Login to:

  • Submit a payment:  make a partial, one-time or recurring payment
  • Accept an offer: review and accept payment options
  • Manage an account: review account balance(s), schedule a time to speak with an associate or update contact details.

EIS is committed to the accuracy, privacy and security of your information. Feel free to review our Privacy Policy to learn more.

By registering with our website you consent to EIS contacting you regarding account(s) via email at the address provided.  You affirm that the email address provided is not an email account furnished or owned by my employer. You understand that if you provide an employer or shared email account, your email from EIS may be accessed by others with access to the email account.

You may withdraw your consent by sending an email to or by phone at (844) 377-1057.  Withdrawal of your consent to receive electronic communications will be effective only after we have a reasonable period of time to process your request.

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All accounts may not be reflected on this site.
EIS is a debt collector. This is an attempt to collect a debt by a debt collector and any information obtained will be used for that purpose.

Offers made or accepted through this site do not overshadow your right to dispute the debt.